DIY Holi Colours at home | How to make Organic Holi Colours at home | Kunal Kapur

DIY Holi Colours

DIY tips for making Holi colours at home chemical free

Pink Colour


Beetroot Grated - 2 cups

Cornstarch - 3cups

Water - 1cup

Rose water - 2tbsp


Place the freshly grated beetroot in a cloth and squeeze out the juice. Mix beet juice with corn starch and rose water. Mix till it gets even colour. Now spread it on a tray and allow it to dry. Collect, pass through a fine strainer and use.

Yellow Colour


Water - 1½ cups

Turmeric - 2 tbsp 

Cornstarch - 3cups

Green Colour


Coriander (fresh) - 1 large bunch 

Spinach leaves - 1large bunch 

Water - 1½ cups 

Cornstarch - 3cups


Grind the greens with water and strain them. In the juice add cornstarch. Mix till it gets even colour. Now spread it on a tray and allow it to dry. Collect, pass through a fine strainer and use.

Blue Colour


Blue Food Colour (liquid) - 2tbsp

Water - ¾ cup

Cornstarch/Talcum Powder - 3cups

Orange Colour

Orange Food Colour (powder) - 1tbsp

Water - ¾ cup

Kewra water - 1tbsp

Cornstarch/Talcum Powder - 3cups


Mix them together and let it dry. Collect, pass through a fine strainer and use.


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